Speakers are listed below each video.

August 7, 2023

Women In Aeronautics Reception

Emcee: Ms. Winnifred Walden, Acting Executive Director - Air Force Sustainment Center

Brig Gen Jennifer Hammerstedt, Director of Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, HQ Air Combat Command

Col Abby Ruscetta, Commander, 72nd Air Base Wing

August 8, 2023

Opening Session:
Dr. Jeanie Webb, President, Rose State College
Emcee: Lance Newbold, Retired, US Army, Vice President Student Affairs, Rose State College
Invocation: Chaplain, Capt Pira Tritasavit, 72nd Air Base Wing
National Anthem: Mr. Jacob Hussain

Welcome: Governor Kevin Stitt, Oklahoma

DoD Welcome: Mr. Stephen Gray, Director, 448th Supply Chain Management Wing

Legislative Report: Video Presentation by Senator James Lankford

DoD Guest Speaker: Lt Gen Tom Miller, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, HQ U.S. Air ForceDoD Guest Speaker: Lt Gen Tom Miller, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, HQ U.S. Air Force

Premier Sponsor Presentation: Northrop Grumman – Mr. Pat "Attila" Hund, Vice President, Strike & Special Mission Aircraft Business Unit, Northrop Grumman Defense Systems

Premier Sponsor Presentation: The Boeing Company - Mr. Torbjorn "Turbo" Sjogren, Vice President & General Manager, Government Services, Boeing Global Services

DoD Guest Speaker: Lt Gen Shaun Morris, Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center

Premier Sponsor Presentation: Field Aerospace - Mr. John B. Taylor, President, U.S. Operations, Field Aerospace

Welcome to Midwest City: Mayor, Matt Dukes

DoD Guest Speaker: Col Abby Ruscetta, Commander, 72d Air Base Wing

DoD Guest Speaker: Mr. Steve Gray, Director, 448 Supply Chain Management Wing

DoD Guest Speaker: Mr. Jerry Zamora, SASPO

Premier Sponsor Presentation: M1 Composites - Mr. Lorenzo Marandola, President M1 Composites Technology

DoD Panel "Supply Chain Recovery":
Samuel Payne(Speaker)USAF
Stephen Gray(Speaker)448 SCMW
Scott Spencer(Speaker)Parker Aerospace, Director of Supply Chain
Sean Tyler(Speaker)U.S. Air Force

DoD Panel "Supply Chain Recovery" continued: Samuel Payne(Speaker)USAF Stephen Gray(Speaker)448 SCMW Scott Spencer(Speaker)Parker Aerospace, Director of Supply Chain Sean Tyler(Speaker)U.S. Air Force

DoD Panel "Supply Chain Recovery": Samuel Payne(Speaker)USAF Stephen Gray(Speaker)448 SCMW Scott Spencer(Speaker)Parker Aerospace, Director of Supply Chain Sean Tyler(Speaker)U.S. Air Force

August 9, 2023

Opening Session & Emcee: Oklahoma State Senator, Ms. Brenda Stanley, District 42

Legislative Report: Congressman Tom Cole

DoD Keynote Speaker: Honorable Frank Kendall, Secretary of the Air Force

DoD Keynote Speaker: General Duke Richardson, Commander, Air Force Materiel Command

Premier Sponsor Presentation: Robbins – Gioia - Mr. Jeff Martin, Director of Aerospac

Industry Panel: CONNEX Supply Chain Database Overview:
Panelist: Leshia Pearson, Deput Director, Aerospace & Defense
Panelist: Joe Edmondson, Supply Chain Specialist, Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance

Parker Aerospace Premier Sponsor Presentation: Mr. Bill Smith, Director of Military Aftermarket Business Developement

Premier Sponsor Presentation: Guernsey - Ms. Laura Fawcett, Governance Risk & Compliance Consultant

DoD Panel: "Breaking Barriers":
Moderator: Mr. Steve Gray, Director, 448th Supply Chain Management Wing
Panelist 1: Col Rodney Lambert, Air Force Sustainment Center Contracting Directorate
Panelist 2: Mr. Ronnie Hobbs, Air Force Sustainment Center Small Business
Panelist 3: Ms. Connie Bertolucci, Vice President, WB Industries

DoD Guest Speaker: Mr. John Sneden, Director, Propulsion Directorate, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center

Industry Panel: Workforce Development & Innovation Institutes in Oklahoma:
Panelist: Whitney Alvis, Dean, Workforce Development, Rose State College
Panelist: Victoria Natalie, Director of Strategic Innovation, Oklahoma Aerospace Institute for Research and Education, Oklahoma State University
Panelist: Ms. Jennifer McGrail, Executive Director, Oklahoma Center for Advancement of Science and Technology
Panelist: Mr. Eddie Compton, Aerospace & Defense Liaison, OK Department of Career and Technology Education
Panelist: Lt Gen, Retired, Don Wetekam, Chief Strategist, Oklahoma Aerospace & Defense Innovation Institute, University of Oklahoma

Industry Panel: Workforce Development & Innovation Institutes in Oklahoma continued:
Panelist: Whitney Alvis, Dean, Workforce Development, Rose State College
Panelist: Victoria Natalie, Director of Strategic Innovation, Oklahoma Aerospace Institute for Research and Education, Oklahoma State University
Panelist: Ms. Jennifer McGrail, Executive Director, Oklahoma Center for Advancement of Science and Technology
Panelist: Mr. Eddie Compton, Aerospace & Defense Liaison, OK Department of Career and Technology Education
Panelist: Lt Gen, Retired, Don Wetekam, Chief Strategist, Oklahoma Aerospace & Defense Innovation Institute, University of Oklahoma

August 10, 2023

Opening Session & Emcee: SMSgt, Retired Mr. Jeff James, President, Air & Space Force Association - Gerrity Chapter

DoD Guest Speaker: Col Brian Moore, Commander, Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex

Industry Panel: "Space in Oklahoma, SERIOUSLY?":
Moderator: Mr. Craig Smith, Executive Director, Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority
Panelist 1: Jim Bridenstine, Former NASA Administrator / Former U.S. Congressman
Panelist 2: Dr. Brenda Rolls, President & CEO, Frontier Electronic Systems of Stillwater
Panelist 3: Mr. Bailey Siegfried, Vice President, NORDAM Group

Premier Sponsor Presentation: MOOG, Inc Mr. Simon Gordon Smith, Business Development Manager, Digital Airfield Solutions

DoD Keynote Speaker: Lt Gen Stacey Hawkins, Commander, Air Force Sustainment Center